Best Swag Ideas for Interns

Corporate Logo Swag for Interns
Scott Kalapos on Dec 12, 2022

Being a business owner means that you have to wear many hats. Generating profits and big-picture tasks are just as important as the little details like employee retention and building a positive company culture. The further we get into the 21st century, the more business owners are discovering the importance of creating a warm working environment for their team members. One of the reasons why so many individuals prefer working remotely is the level of comfort that it allows them to experience.

However, businesses can help create the atmosphere needed to encourage their employees and show that they are valued as people. Since people are the most important resource for any brand, finding ways to build a welcoming office is crucial.

Valuing Your Interns

Interns are a specific group of employees that require special attention. Whether or not your company pays them, they are vital to the development of a talented and complete team. Larger corporations that have tons of interns might have refined onboarding processes that make a career path clear, but smaller businesses have to pay extra attention to their interns.

One way that you can welcome interns to the organization and help them feel more at home is with swag gifts.

What are Swag Gifts?

Swag stands for "stuff we all get," though the original definition from a long time ago has little to do with this idea. A company can spend money on promotional products that contain the logo, name, or a custom design that is unique to the brand. These items are then given away to employees, customers, and the general public to raise awareness and build customer loyalty.

Swag Gift Sets for Interns

The Benefits of Company Swag

Swag is a fun way to accomplish multiple objectives for your organization.

Increased Awareness

First, it spreads brand awareness whenever someone wears or uses a swag gift in public. The more people see your logo and organization name, the greater reach you will have. This is especially helpful for businesses in their local communities for increasing visibility.


Second, it is a cost-effective way of marketing (opens in a new window). Instead of investing in new campaigns again and again, (though this method should be used in tandem with other marketing efforts), purchasing some of these gift ideas is a one-time expense that will create impressions every time they are used.

Great Gift Ideas

Third, they make awesome gift ideas for your employees and loyal customers. By gifting these individuals with fun swag, you can demonstrate your gratitude for their work or their enthusiasm for your organization. This brings us to giving your interns gifts.

Why You Should Give Interns Gifts

Why Do You Need Intern Swag Gifts?

Though interns may be considered the lowest on the totem pole in terms of the whole team, they are still a valuable piece of the puzzle that makes up your company. New interns may be excited, nervous, and uncertain about their roles. Though they are just beginning their professional journey, they could end up being top talent in the industry.

You can create a lasting impression with new hires by gifting them with a swag pack that welcomes them to the professional ranks. This could help them feel more invested in the company, excited to start the job, and part of the rest of the crew. An internship is a great way to develop talent, so you should invest in the people who fill this role.

Swag Gift Ideas for Your Interns

Intern gifts should certainly be a part of your onboarding process for these young and aspiring professionals, but not every promotional product is a great idea. A swag pack that contains a combination of fun and useful items will be the most effective way of welcoming interns to the office.

Office Supplies

Useful items that will help interns adjust to office life can be helpful and set them up well for success at your organization. As they learn their roles, owning some branded pens, notepads, and other office essentials can have them ready to go from their very first day in the workplace. The transition to the very first project of their internship could go smoothly if they are well-equipped with custom office supplies.

Office Supplies for Intern Swag Gifts

Articles of Clothing

Who doesn't love free clothing? Okay, a good-looking design matters, or no one will wear it, but that is up to your creatives to figure out. T-shirts, hats, a cool hoodie, or a collection of clothing accessories can add excitement to your swag pack and remind your interns that you value them as people. Plus, if they use these items in public or in front of their friends, you get additional advertising.

Cool Hoodies as Intern Swag Gifts


Any item that can carry stuff is helpful for an employee. This could be a tote bag, backpack, lunch bag, or drawstring bag. An intern could use these in everyday life and while in the office to carry a combination of office supplies, snacks, gym equipment, or goodies that help them get through the day. Try these custom bag ideas out as gifts to thank interns for their services.

Tote Bags as Intern Swag Gifts


Hydration and beverages are important. They keep you healthy and energized, but are also helpful for getting you through the day in the workplace. You could give that new intern a water bottle, coffee mug, stadium cup, or an accessory such as a koozie. Encourage those folks to stay hydrated throughout the day with quality drinkware gifts.

Drinkware for Intern Swag Gifts


How Will You Incorporate Intern Gifts?

Whether you decide to welcome interns to the office on their first day with a collection of swag or give them gifts throughout the year to reward their contributions on occasion, interns need to be appreciated. They are not just a punching bag to take on all the hits of busy work that no one else wants to do.

Companies that invest in welcoming their interns are investing in the future of their team functionality. Invest in branded merchandise like backpacks, water bottles, and other quality gift ideas that make each intern feel welcomed and appreciated. This will energize them to do their job well and remember their internship fondly.

As a bonus, you could earn their complete loyalty while they develop knowledge of the industry, making them prefer your organization to other companies as they seek future employment once they say goodbye at the end of the term.

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