Top 20 Discontinued Snacks & Promotional Ads to Make You Crave Them

Best Discontinued Snacks
Scott Kalapos on Dec 4, 2017

Few things can make one more nostalgic for years gone by than taking the time to remember some of their favorite childhood treats. Today, we're going to share the 4AllPromos (opens in a new window) guide to the 20 best discontinued snack foods & drinks, with each one accompanied by a classic promotional television spot. Some of these may be among your cherished favorites, while others might bring back some long-lost memories by way of their commercials. You may also remember spotting some of them in movies.

A couple of others on our list are notable for their obscurity when in production, but their cult followings that exist now that they're gone. Be sure to pay attention and not gloss over the details, because a few of these deceased delectibles can still be accessed. You might have to become a Smugglaroo to pull it off, but we'll get to that in due time.

1. McDLT

If you were around and old enough to remember the mid-to-late 1980s, you by no doubt also remember the McDLT. This "hot side/cool side" lettuce and tomato hamburger was introduced in 1985 and was the first notable effort on the part of McDonald's to compete with Burger King's Whopper and Wendy's Classic Single. The McDLT contained a 1/4 lb beef patty on a sesame seed roll. Joining the meat were lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pickles, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, and optional cheese. 

The most notable (and heavily emphasized) feature of the McDLT was its packaging. At the time, McDonald's larger burgers were presented in styrofoam clam shell style cartons. The McDLT was no exception, except for the fact that its packaging was double with the width, with two horizontally joined styrofoam containers comprising its home. One side contained the bottom half of the bun along with the meat. The other side contained the top of the bun and all of the toppings and condiments. The idea was that people wanted the burger to be hot, but the vegetables to be cold. It was quite popular when introduced, though many customers disliked that the cheese, ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise were on the cold side rather than on the hot. 

This particular hamburger was featured in countless advertisements from 1985 through 1988. All of them emphasized the qualities listed above, but they managed to pull it off in different ways. Many of their commercials featured famous celebrities, such as Jason Alexander, Jerry Butler, and Aretha Franklin. The McDLT promo shown below depicts Jerry Butler and Aretha Franklin hosting an award ceremony of some sort, in which the McDLT was the winner. Unfortunately for McDLT aficionados, the burger was discontinued in the early 90s due to environmental concerns surrounding the styrofoam container. It has since seen reboots in the form of the Big Xtra and the Big N Tasty (the latter of had a commercial featuring President Trump striking a deal with Grimace (opens in a new window)).

1985 McDLT Promo - "Awards Night"

2. PB Crisps

While the only celebrity to shill for PB Crisps was Mr. Peanut, they were nonetheless a very tasty and underappreciated snack. They were truly unique and no other product like them had existed before they hit the shelves nor after they were discontinued. PB Crisps had a pretty creative form. The outer body consisted of a thin, wafer-like graham cracker crust that was formed into the shape of a peanut. The inside was filled with peanut butter cream, and the two layers made for a match made in heaven. 

Introduced in 1993, PB Crisps were sold in vertically-oriented plastic bags that could be found in both red and blue colors. Mr. Peanut posed with his crunchy confections, which were pictured raining down under a spotlight. Sales were great and before long, additional flavors were created. Chocolate and peanut butter & jelly PB Crisps were the most notable and popular of these spin-offs.

Sadly, PB Crisps ceased to be by the year 2000. Many have asked why, but little information about this seems to be available. However, their fans have remained devoted enough to create a petition to bring back PB Crisps (opens in a new window) on Internet petition giant The video below displays a rather whimsical commercial from 1994, a year after PB Crisps make their public debut. Watch at your own risk, as the memories this commercial stirs up may give you a powerful PB Crisps craving that you won't be able to do much about.

TV Promotional PB Crisps Video - 1994

3. Bar None Candy Bar

Do you remember when we said that some of the items on this list were on the obscure side? Well this is one of them. Bar None was first release in 1986 as a product from the Hershey company. Wafers are a popular candy bar ingredient in many countries, but aside from Kit Kat bars, they're not that big here in the USA. One of the goals of Bar None was to change this fact and hopefully pave the way for some more wafer based candy treats. The bars themselves were quite unique in that they blended some ingredients that aren't often seen together. 

A Bar None bar consisted of two semi-thick chocolate wafers. A layer of chocolate cream went between the wafers, and the upper wafer was topped with chocolate and chopped peanuts. The whole thing was then enveloped in a layer of milk chocolate. Despite its unusual texture, it was a pretty good candy bar, and those who remember it will vouch on its behalf. 

Originally, Bar None came in a coffee-brown colored wrapper. Sales never really took off, so in the early 90s, a rebranding effort of sorts was made. The wrapper changed from brown to yellow, white and blue. More notably, the candy bar itself underwent a change. Rather than one single bar, there were now two twin smaller bars, presented quite similarly to the manner employed by Twix. The change seemed to be one of those too little too late kind of things, and Bar None faded away quietly in 1997. Part of the problem may have been the tendency for these bars to fall apart in hot weather. Melting made the wafer structure come apart easily, and the results were messy.

*UPDATE: As of 2021, Bar None candy bars are sold in the gift shop area of many Cracker Barrel restaurants (opens in a new window).

1993 Television Commercial for the New and Improved Bar None

4. Planters Cheez Balls

Of all of the out-of-production snacks that are included in this article, Planters Cheez Balls are arguably the most bereaved. Production ceased in 2006 and as far as devotees can determine, not much information is out there as to why. Sure, there are other cheese balls out there, but somehow they aren't quite the same. You just can't get the same experience without that iconic blue cylindrical can and plastic lid. Who could ever forget the buttery, one-of-a-kind aroma that would instantly hit your brain upon removing the lid and peeling back the foil top? The answer? Nobody.

Mr. Peanut only seems to find his way onto the very best snacks. As is the case with PB Crisps, he also appeared on the Cheez Balls containers. Looking dapper as always, he proudly posed next to mountains of his the sumptuous orange spheres. Their other piece of common ground with PB Crisps is that they're included in the same petition referred to earlier on this page. Even if we fail in our attempt to get these beloved treats back, we can at least know that we didn't go down without a fight. These snacks were forever immortalized in the 1988 movie Rain Man, as Raymond, portrayed by Dustin Hoffman, has an obsessive need to have exactly 12 Cheez Balls with every lunch.

"Have a Ball!" Cheez Balls Promotion, Circa 1980


5. Ramblin' Root Beer

While Barq's is now the flagship root beer of the Coca-Cola company, this was not always the case. Prior to 1995, when Coca-Cola acquired bottling rights to Barq's, Ramblin' was their go-to guy when it came to root beer. In the 1970s and 1980s, Ramblin' Root Beer was everywhere, be it in cans, bottles, soda machines, movie theaters, supermarkets, or fast food restaurants. It featured a fittingly rambling logo, consisting of "Ramblin'" scrawled out in curvy brown lettering along a white stripe. The rest of the cans/bottles were made up of orange, tan, and brown stripes.

In addition to its smooth and distinctly frothy style, Ramblin' was also memorable for the ways in which Coca-Cola promoted it. Many of their ads were quite melodramatic, reaching out to the public in a mildly sappy yet effective manner. This was especially true during the years when they ran their "Ramblin is the root beer with something more" campaign. Shortly before those ads hit the waves, Ramblin' provided an early stage for Sarah Jessica Parker, years before she would become a household name. Sales slowed in the 1990s, with Ramblin' often being relegated to fountains only. For the next 20 years, we lived in a world without Ramblin'. Fans will be happy to know that as of 2016, Ramblin' Root Beer has become available for purchase online (opens in a new window) from the Orca Beverage Company of Mukilteo, Washington. 

Ramblin' - The Root Beer with Something More - 1982

6. Orbitz

Orbitz came to us from Canada's Clearly Food and Beverage Company, the same great minds that created the early 90s fad Clearly Canadian flavored waters. Orbitz is unique among the other snacks and drinks in this article in the sense that the people stumping hardest for its return aren't devoted fans who miss the taste. Rather, they're curious foodies who didn't even know of the existence of Orbitz until it was too late and never had the chance to try it. 

Launched in 1997, Orbitz was a drink that defied definition. It wasn't quite a soda, it wasn't juice, and it wasn't really much like water. It was a clear, sweetened beverage that was most recognized for the small gelatin spheres which floated within it. This feature, along with the shape of the accompanying bottles, made Orbitz look a bit like miniature lava lamps. The gelatinous spheres made for a strange drinking experience to say the least. There have been rumors about a possible limited re-release in 2015, but few seem to be able to back these claims up. Interestingly enough, the Orbitz travel website had to buy domain rights due to already existing for the drink.

The video below isn't a commercial, but rather a mini-documentary on this curious beverage.

Orbitz Drink Video

7. Doritos 3Ds

While Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch are Doritos flavors that have stood the test of time, this is a line of snacks that is constantly seeing experimental innovations. Over the years, we've seen other flavors such as Jalapeno, Multi-Grain, Jumpin' Jack Cheddar, Sour Cream & Onion, Ketchup, Pickle, Sweet Spicy Chili, and believe it or not, Mountain Dew. However, Dortios 3Ds weren't just a different flavor; they were a different eating experience entirely. 

Deciding to stray beyond the familiar world of isoceles triangles, these looked something like the offspring that would be produced if a pyramid and a sphere had some alone time together. They were airier and softer than conventional Doritos, but still had a satisfying crunch. Making their debut in 1996, Doritos 3Ds offered three main flavors: Zesty Ranch, Nacho Cheese, and Jalapeno Cheddar. Adding to their diverse nature was the fact that in addition to being solid in bags like as their conventional Dorito relatives, 3Ds were also sold in cylindrical cannisters. These were strangely addictive snacks that you'd keep going back for without really knowing why. Aside from their taste Doritos 3Ds are also remembered for their Super Bowl promotional spot featuring Ali Landry seductively snacking on them in a laundromat.

Ali Landry Doritos 3Ds Super Bowl Ad

8. PB Max

Returning to the world of candy for a moment, we'd like to wax nostalgic for the late, great PB Max. The PB Max bar was introduced in 1989 by Mars and was an instant hit. It consisted of milk chocolate wrapped around a cookie that was loaded with peanut butter and crispy oats. It had a square-like shape, almost reminiscent of that of a Chunky bar, but larger. Every PB Max came wrapped in a simple yet appealing white wrapper with red, blue, and orange lettering. 

PB Max bars were sold separately as well as in packs of up to 12, much to the delight of any child who was able to get their parents to spring for one. Their rather memorable commercials centered around droll humor based on all of the things that the PB in PB Max didn't stand for. This would be followed by a depiction of the absurd topic named by the narrator. Pig Basketball, Penguin Black Belt, and Portly Ballerina were just a few. Even though sales were excellent, Mars stopped making PB Max bars in 1994. This seems to be in keeping of their reluctance to work with peanut butter, as can also been seen by the on again/off again presence of Peanut Butter M&Ms.

Classic PB Max Commercial - What PB Doesn't Stand For

9. Welch's Grape Soda

Though they're much more famous for their jellies, jams, and juices, Welch's at one time cornered a large chunk of the fruit-flavored soda market as well. While they also made apple, strawberry, and orange soda, Welch's most popular and most missed variety of soda was its grape flavor. Welch's Grape Soda just had that "it" factor. It was uniquely delicious in a way that's somewhat hard to define, though it did have a more natural grape-like taste than any of its competitors or of any large name brand grape soda that's widely available today.

Welch's Grape Soda isn't entirely gone from this world, but it's extremely difficult to come by. A dedicated group of fans have formed a Bring Back Welch's Grape Soda page on Facebook, where sightings are reported and action to get this popular purple soda back into the mainstream are encouraged. Its commercials were quite elaborate, festive, and a testament to its greatness, as can be seen in the video below. It also made an appearance in the 1983 punk documentary Another State of Mind, in which former Social Distortion bassist Brent Liles is shown drinking a can of it when the tour bus breaks down in Detroit. 

Welch's Grape Soda - Marching Band TV Promotion

10. Magic Middles Cookies

Produced by Keebler, Magic Middles cookies first entered into the American grocery store landscape in the mid 1980s. Alas, these scrumptious cookie delights were gone by the late 1990s. Each one featured a soft, golden outside, with a taste and texture quite similar to a soft-baked chocolate chip cookie, minus the chocolate chips. Inside of each cookie was a space filled with fudge or vanilla cream, giving these cookies their alliterative name. 

A typical Magic Middles box was sky blue and featured a picture of Ernie, the head Keelber elf. He stood next to a glorious mountain of Magic Middles cookies, with some split in two in order to display the cream filling lurking inside. These were some of the highest valued items when it came to lunch room swapping action in school cafeterias. While they may now be gone, they're certainly not forgotten. Search the web and you'll find several great recipes for Magic Middles cookies (opens in a new window)

Magic Middles Commercial Fetauring Ernie the Elf

11. Fruit Wheats Cereal

Promotional Fruit Wheats T Shirt

Fruit Wheats were a beloved cereal that were with us for a sinfully short period of time. They were introduced in 1987, at which time they were billed as being "the IN cereal". Their exterior was highly reminiscent of Shredded Wheat, only smaller. A more apt comparison might be Frosted Mini Wheats, which stands to reason, as all three are/were Nabisco products. What Fruit Wheats didn't have any frosting on the outside, they made up for it with what was on the inside. Each cereal piece was filled with delicious, fruit flavored jam that although simple, could really liven up an otherwise forgettable breakfast. They had and still continue to have a dedicated fan base, including this blogger, who still wears his Fruit Wheats shirt with pride. 

Fruit Wheats came in three flavors - strawberry (in a red box), apple (in a green box), and raisin (in a purple box). While Fruit Wheats were sadly discontinued in the early 1990s, they are far from forgotten and will remain a precious memory to all who indulged in their splendor. Included below is a very 80s commercial in which Fruit Wheats and their status as the In cereal are presented for all the world to see.

1987 Fruit Wheats Commercial - The "IN" Cereal

12. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pies

During the 80s and early 90s, kids went nuts for anything that carried the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles name. The hugely popular cartoon series and the movies which followed bred a generation of now-grown children who will never forget the sensation that was Turtlemania. Action figures, clothing, athletic supplies, lunch boxes, snacks, drinks, socks, slippers, Halloween costumes, and virtually anything else you can think of were churned out by the thousands in full Turtles regalia. 

There were many different snacks and drinks that bore the TMNT logo. There were Turtles cookies, juices, frozen pizzas, canned pastas, chips, crackers, ice cream and popsicles, but perhaps the most memorable of these snacks were Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pies. Any child of the late 80s and early 90s has the slogan "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pies, fresh from the sewers to you!" burned into their memories like a cattle branding. These retro-eats were made by Hostess and were shaped much like their regular fruit pies. The main differences were in the form of a green sugar glaze and an interior filled with vanilla pudding, referred to as "ooze". Ooze it did, as these were some of the messiest snacks around.

Stores saw these pies flying off the shelves at incredible rates. Even those who didn't enjoy the pies were still eager to buy them for the TMNT trading cards that came along with them. Additionally, proofs-of-purchase, or "pudding points", could be sent to Hostess and redeemed for a variety of different Turtles-themed toys and prizes. Among the most commonly spotted articles were painter style black hats that featured the bandana color of the turtle of the consumer's choosing spanning the front and sides, and a picture of the same turtle on the top.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pies - "Fresh From the Sewers to You" Promotion

13. Hi-C Ecto Cooler

Ecto Cooler was another promotional product inspired by popular children's cartoons and movies. It first came to the public in 1987, as a promotional tie-in for the 1984 Ghostbusters film along with the cartoon version, known as The Real Ghostbusters. To be entirely accurate, Ecto Cooler did exist before this time, only without the picture of Slimer and the far less catchy name of "Citrus Cooler". Sold in boxes with pictures of Slimer along with whole and sliced oranges, the actual juice was green. The green color only added to the appeal for kids, but the taste was good enough to stand on its own. 

Ecto Cooler lasted for many years after the cancellation of The Real Ghostbusters, but was eventually pulled from the shelves, ending an era for many. It did make a return in 2016 to promote the new Ghostbusters movie. This incarnation was of a slightly lighter green color than the classic, but had the same great taste, especially when frozen and eaten as a slush-like treat. Since then, it has once again been retired, but a future return is never entirely out of the question.

1989 Ecto Cooler Commercial Featuring Slimer

14. Nintendo Cereal

Upon its 1985 release into American markets, the Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES, was a smashing success. Its 8-Bit processing and large library of innovative games pretty much single-handedly brought back the video game industry after the Video Game Crash of 1983. As covered in a previous article on the 4AllPromos website, the negative reaction to E.T. The Extra Terrestrial on the Atari 2600 looked like it might spell the end of the video game craze for good. Nintendo changed all of that and made gaming larger than ever.

Pretty much any time when any given entity becomes wildly popular with children, mass merchandising won't be long to follow. By the late 80s, you could get pretty much get Nintendo anything, even when sitting at the breakfast table. Nintendo broke into the cereal market with its own brand in 1988. Often incorrectly remembered as "Nintendo Cereal", the actual name was Nintendo Cereal System. Sure, it sounds weird, but it worked. 

Nintendo Cereal system came in a black box whose front was split down the middle with graphics from Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda, two of its most  popular games. The theme of division continued inside of the box, where there were two separate bags. Each bag contained cereal featuring Mario Bros characters and Legend of Zelda characters, respectively. The cereal pieces were colorful and fruit flavored. The back of the boxes contained 12 Nintendo trading card cut-outs and mailing in proofs of purchase made one eligible to win a Nintendo Power Pad (a flat plastic mat which players could step/run on in different ways to control certain games) or a slightly less exciting Nintendo cereal bowl. 

Nintendo Cereal System Commercial - Now You're Playing with Power

15. Dunkaroos

Dunkaroos first found their way into lunch bags in 1988, but didn't really hit their stride until the mid 1990s. The concept was simple enough. Each pack held a small bag of circular cookies with a capital D in the middle along with a frosting cup for dipping. Combine that with Syndney, a jovial Kangaroo mascot (loosely based on Crocodile Dundee), and you have, or at least had, a home run promotional snack for kids. 

The original cookies were graham cracker flavored, but shortly after, vanilla and chocolate chip flavors also were available. The frosting cup typically contained vanilla, chocolate, or funfetti (sprinkled) frosting, which kids put onto the cookie pieces to make an already perfectly sugary snack even more pleasing. As time went on, Syndney changed into Duncan, an "extreme sports" style character, as by this point, most kids weren't old enough to remember America's brief Australian obsession. 

As of 2012, Dunkaroos were no longer available in the United States, but they're still sold in Canada. Here's where the "Smugglaroos" concept mentioned in the introduction of this post comes in. American Dunkaroo lovers are now able to connect with Canadian citizens online to organize meetings and monetary exchanges for the acquisition of Dunkaroos. It's not at all uncommon for users on the Smugglaroos website (opens in a new window) to pay well over $50 for a 12 pack. General Mills actually encourages this black market, as it provides them with excellent insights as to when, if, and how to return Dunkaroos back to American soil.

1994 Dunkaroos Commercial Featuring Sydney

16. Wheatables

Hopefully Keebler will read this article and take note of how badly we miss their discontinued snacks, because we're coming to yet another one of their creations now. Wheatables were flag shaped (sort of) crackers produced by Keebler from 1988 until 2004. They were conceived as a healthier alternative to fried snack foods. One must remember that this was during a time when there wasn't a national obsession with dietary habits and you could still eat whatever you wanted without being vilified for it. Still, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a healthy snack, and Wheatables offered the perfect blend of flavor and proper nutrition. 

Somewhat similar to the more well-known Wheat Thins, Wheatables were a bit smaller. They came in two flavors upon their initial release, which were Toasted Honey Wheat and Original Whole Wheat. Other flavors, including Roasted Almond and Toasted Pecan were to follow in later years. Wheatables came both in boxes and in small individual bag servings. The bags were great for long family car trips. Kids were happy because the chip-like bag left them feeling like they were downing junk food, and parents were happy because they could sneak in some covert nutrition and get to spend a few minutes without being asked, "Are we there yet?".

1992 Promotional Spot for Wheatables

17. Fruitopia

With the possible exception of Zima, there was no drink more quintessentially 90s than Fruitopia. Arguments could possibly be made for Snapple and Surge, but Snapple has lasted into the present day and Surge wasn't around until the end of the decade. Hands down, Fruitopia the soft drink that said, "It's the 90s," more than any other. By 1994, Snapple was a rising star in the tea and juice market, so Coca-Cola wanted to see what they could do to get a piece of the action. Their target demographic mainly consisted of disillusioned Generation X'ers, and they knew they had to dry something a little different when it came to their promotional efforts.

By the time Generation X had become old enough to act as consumers, advertising changed in a big way. This was a generation who, right or wrong, were viewed as skeptical cynics who didn't want to have anything peddled their way. Consequently, commercials of the 90s evolved to the point of becoming visually intense productions that pretty much only mentioned the products (or at least brand names) as an afterthought. Fruitopia took this to the next level with some bizarre yet effective television ad campaigns, as can be seen in the video below.

Essentially, Fruitopia sought to create an image that was sort of a mashup of retro hippie style, Generation X skepticism, and general post-modernism. The flavor names of "Strawberry Passion Awareness", "Citrus Consciousness", and "Tangerine Wavelength" pretty much say it all. The bait worked and teens and 20-somethings were on the Fruitopia hook. Fruitopia vending machines soon started popping up around college campuses and anywhere else that this new demographic was expected to show up in high numbers. Fruitopia was something that people drank almost more as a lifestyle statement than as a beverage - sort of like the people who intentionally work on their person writings in Starbucks just to be seen doing so.

Fruitopia - Kaleidoscope

18. Oatmeal Swirlers

Oatmeal may be a timeless classic, but it's a dish that's a bit hard to get overly excited over. Being a favorite of Bert on Sesame Street might have won over a few toddlers, but that's about it. Wilford Brimley and his "the right thing to do" Quaker Oats commercials just weren't doing it for the youthful demographic. General Mills saw an opportunity and quickly capitalized on it with their new breakfast sensation, dubbed with the catch name of Oatmeal Swirlers.

These individual packs of instant oatmeal brought some fun and festivity to the bland and boring. Each one came with its own squeezable flavor pouch, which contained various jams and syrups. With a small cut in the pouches, kids could squeeze them and make creative designs on the surface of their oatmeal. Swirling the syrups was almost as much fun as eating the flavor-enhanced oatmeal. Flavors included strawberry, cherry, apple cinnamon, maple syrup, and blueberry. Parents were delighted to see their children eating a good hot breakfast, and kids were enthused by the newly found fun and flavor. There were several other oatmeals that attempted to ride on the coattails of Oatmeal Swirlers' success. Undercover Bears was possibly the most successful of this group. It featured gummy bears that were mixed in with the oatmeal, bringing joy to kids each time they unearthed one from their bowls. 

Oatmeal Swirlers Advertisement - "Give it a Swirl"

19. Squeezit

The early 1990s saw a sudden fascination among children when it came to drinks in plastic bottles. Kool-Aid Bursts and Mondo were some of the notable names within this fad, but the clear winner of the novelty drink race was Squeezit. Coming with the name was simple enough; if you wanted to access the juice, you'd squeeze the bottle. There wasn't room for a whole lot of confusion there. What made Squeezit stand out from the competition was the fact that every individual flavor was not just named, but also given a character and unique personality.

The Squeezit family was a bit of a rogue's gallery. There was Chucklin' Cherry, a fairly dim-witted class clown character, whose joyful nature was countered by Mean Green Puncher, the bully of the group. Berry B Wild was the eccentric one, Rockin' Red Puncher was the rebel, Smarty Arty Orange was the resident nerd, and Grumpy Grape was kind of like Mean Green Puncher, only without the energy to bully anyone. Every bottle was shaped with the body and face of the character representing the juice it contained. 

Kids couldn't get enough of these drinks. For a while, they were seen as quite a threat to the juice box industry. At the peak of their popularity, Squeezit was available in a black mystery flavor and tasked children with sending in guesses of what it was. Anyone who guessed correctly would be sent a prize by mail. 

1990s Squeezit Commercial with Promotional Characters

20. Fudge Twix & Cookies & Cream Twix Bars

Twix is a candy bar that has seen quite a few different varieties over the years. The classic caramel Twix has been a staple since the beginning, but it has seen many of its siblings come and go. As of the time of this writing, Twix is available in caramel, dark chocolate caramel, white chocolate caramel, and peanut butter varieties. Their main ad campaign now seems to be that whole Left Twix vs Right Twix thing, which is odd and rather pointless, but seems to be working pretty well for them. 

Back before Twix asked us to choose a side, but after it stopped using Ferris Bueller inspired commercials, we saw the addition of three new flavors. First there was the peanut butter flavor, which has been available on and off for decades. The two true newcomers were Fudge Twix and Cookies & Creme Twix. Twix seemed to be having some sort of mid-life crisis at the time. The school hallway setting was gone, but Yello's "Oh Yeah" still remained. It was continuing it's on again/off again affair with peanut butter, while at the same time trying to experiment and find something new.

However you want to look at it, the evolving nature of Twix was the consumers' gain. The two new flavors were a big hit, with many still clamoring for their return to this day. The fudge flavor was identifiable by Twix appearing in purple texture on its label, while Cookies & Cream saw Twix printed in brown. Like other twix bars, these two contained chocolate coated cookies and came two to a container. For those needing a bigger Twix fix, boxes of ten individually wrapped bars were available in most grocery stores. If you were lucky, your parents would pick a variety pack. These new flavors lasted long enough to be a sponsor of the 1992 Barcelona Olympics as well as highly valued trick-or-treating treasures. 

Twix Introduces Two New Flavors 

Thanks for stopping by to read our personal picks for the 20 best discontinued snacks and drinks. We hope you enjoyed reading this article and were able to rekindle some fond memories. We encourage you to click on the following link to view some retro items that you can still access, courtesy of 4AllPromos.

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